Other Blockchain Resources

Discover a curated list of valuable cryptocurrency resources that offer essential information, educational content, and practical tools to enhance your understanding and engagement in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

Resource Description
Capture the Ether A captivating game challenging you to hack Ethereum smart contracts, providing valuable insights into security practices. Enjoy the fun and educational experience it offers.
Crypto Zombies An interactive code school for beginners to Solidity, guiding you through step-by-step tutorials to build games on Ethereum and develop smart contract skills.
Ethernaut Engage in the Ethernaut wargame, exploring the Ethereum Virtual Machine and tackling challenges inspired by overthewire.org. Contribute to the open-source community while exploring unique smart contracts.
Nick Szabo Immerse yourself in Nick Szabo’s collection of essays, papers, and tutorials to gain insights into the world of smart contracts and the potential of blockchain technology.
Polygon Blockchain Getting Started Begin your journey in the Polygon Ecosystem with a comprehensive guide, providing valuable resources and websites to navigate building on Polygon and understanding blockchain technology.
Scam Report and Address Lookup Safeguard your crypto assets by using the Scam Report and Address Lookup tool. Verify if addresses are linked to known scams and contribute to fighting crypto crime by reporting fraudulent activities. Protect yourself and the community.